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Monday, April 5, 2010

The Waiting Game

So...I have slept most of the day. Tomorrow or Wednesday the story hits the associated press. I still have to wait to see if "they" believe me. Can you believe this! How many children have to be raped before the Church steps up to the plate and does something. The Church administration is part of the problem- not part of any solution- as my good friend "Jimbo" says.

I am so tired. I can not ever remember being this tired and emotional. It is an effort to type this- seriously. The depression is big and overwhelming. But, I know it will not last forever.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Meeting

So this week we went to Boston to meet with an inbestigator for the church and an attorney from Ropes and Gray. I held it together until they started to talk. Thank God for my support system. I am too emotionally raw to go into the details today. Let's just say that it broke my heart more when they called my husband and asked him how he felt it had affected me, and he broke into tears. I had tried to not share the details too much from him to protect him. Maybe I was wrong. Amyway, I was later interviewed by the AP and some of my stroy will be running nationally this week. I can not tell you how physcically and emotionally exhausted I am. I did not realize what a toll this still takes.